Sunday, August 27, 2006

just some stuff

this weekend we had yet another wonderful meeting, the lord is opening the way for us to keep on evangelising whilst at the same time holding great teaching sessions and learning to grow together as a spiritual body, of course to be a spiritual body we have to be erm less spiritual and look after one another as christ would look after us, so often christians overlook this very important work and spend there time filling there heads with sermons that never get put into practice, much better to use the opportunitys around us to become like christ in our actions, love covers a multitude of sins and the lords eyes are not upon our knoledge but on our actions, the great thing is we really get filled with joy when we love each other radically like jesus, open hugs and foot washing cooking and cleaning and meeting each others needs is the best reward we can have this side of eternity.

oh and here is a picture of connor too.. oh this lil boy is the sweetest kid and he loves God, when he prays for you he prays his heart, its cool but watch out you might end up on a skateboard as the next tony hawks or flying a spaceship to the moon.

1 comment:

Stevie B said...

So true. The Gospel is preached best when it is demonstrated. Great post man.