Saturday, December 22, 2007

Making things right

I have been thinking today about how important it is to talk with each other, ok i know you may think this is obvious but i am still amazed at how i can reach a conclusion about the way someone feels about me simply by something they say to me, i am forever getting the wrong end of the stick and becoming oblivious to truth.
Its the same with my relationship with God, his word says one thing but i believe another simply because of my feelings, satan will lie to me and tell me how God rejects me and because i know God hates sin and i am full of sin i take the truth about the way God feels and then reach a totally wrong conclusion.. God hates me!!! and this can go on for ages, it can affect my days and even weeks, i can stubbonly hold onto my wrong feelings of rejection and then start to stay away from God, i can even speak negatively of him because of my wrong conclusion.

All this can be resolved by simply talking to him, as soon as i give him time i feel the Holy spirit upon me, he feels friendly and full of love and acceptance, he is God so of course the truth is God loves me and i have once again been believing a lie.

This is true of my heavenly relationship but its also true of our earthly relationship.
As christians God has given us spiritual life and therefore another realm to be sensitive to, because of this sensitivaty christians are always getting hurt by one another, we reach conclusions by something we hear or by something someone says then we take offence, we hold onto that offence without ever trying to go to the source and deal with it.
We think we are so so right and once we have made a decision or judgement that is that.

This should not be the way of the Christian, we live with judgements and feelings of hurt that effect our relationships here on earth, when we really dont need to.

If someone has hurt you then please go to them and talk, it may be that you have got things completly wrong, we are living in days when the christian church is growing divided in so many areas so at least in our own locality lets lay down our judgments and rights to self, lets be seekers of truth and love and at least on our part make the effort to work things out.

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